
LHU students take Third place at 2024 Chinese Dubbing Contest

The final round of the Contest "Chinese Dubbing 2024" was held on March 20 at Van Hien University in Ho Chi Minh City.

The contest attracted the participation of 18 contestants from universities in the Southern region including Van Hien University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, LHU, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages – Information Technology.

 Thi Ngoc Thao and Truong Thi Cam Tu receiving Third prize at the "2024 Chinese Dubbing Contest"

Participating in the Contest, LHU had two contestants - Thi Ngoc Thao, class 21DT111 and Truong Thi Cam Tu, class 21DT114 both majoring in Chinese Language.

Contestants in a group photo 

At this year's competition, contestants took turns participating in the Chinese Dubbing part to evaluate their Chinese language skills. In the end, Thi Ngoc Thao and Truong Thi Cam Tu secured Third prize.

The Chinese Language Department's delegation of LHU at the "Chinese Dubbing 2024" Contest

This achievement is a worthy result for the tireless efforts of Ngoc Thao, Cam Tu and their teachers' dedicated support. It is also a great source of motivation for Chinese Language-majored students at LHU to strive to study and win higher prizes in other international competitions.


LHU, Chinese Language, Dubbing Contest, Third prize

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