Functional Departments

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Office of Academic Affairs

Based on the Decision No.920/QĐ-ĐHLH dated November 1, 2018 issued by the Rector, the Office of Academic Affairs has following functions:

- Advise and assist the Rector in managing, synthesizing, proposing ideas and organizing the implementation of training-related activities.

- Give advice on reports and reflections within the functions and duties of the Office of Academic Affairs for the Rector. 

- Coordinate and support other units to organize the implementation of training activities.


1. Assist the Rector to

- Make plans for academic programs, upgrading facilities to serve training tasks.

- Make plans for student recruitment.

- Set up training objectives, curricular for approved majors.

- Make plans for teaching, semester examinations, graduation examinations.

- Make plans for internship programs for students.

2. Perform administrative and academic affairs 

- Supervise the implementation of teaching plans, schedules, teaching progress.

- Organize semester examinations, graduation examinations.

- Synthesize, evaluate training results, training quality of faculties and periodically report at the request of superiors.

3. Implement and organize enrollment work according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

4. Manage personnel files for visiting lecturers, give them instructions on teaching records, teaching procedures.

5. Making payrolls for visiting lecturers in accordance with the prescribed policies.  

6. Review and make reports on students' learning situation, pass/fail rate, dropout rate, and advise the Rector to solve these academic affairs.

7. Carry out surveys on teaching quality of each subject.

8. Organize the consideration for student scholarships.

9. Organize the graduation consideration for students, advise the Rector to make graduation decisions and organize the diploma distribution.

10. Organize University-leveled specialized seminars and workshops, coordinate with faculties to evaluate lecturers’ competence, then coordinate with the Office of Personnel and Administration to organize lecturer fostering courses.

11. Make plans and organize soft skill training courses for all students.

12. Classify and handle its administrative documents, answer students' questions, issue certificates, carry out diploma procedures required by the University and verify diplomas or certificates on request.

  • 13. Perform other tasks assigned by the Rector.

Staff of the Academic Affairs Office

The Management Board

ThS. Nguyễn Trọng Vinh

  1. MSc. Nguyen Trong Vinh
  2. Manager

 Dr. Nguyen Hoang Xuan Anh
  1. Deputy Manager

ThS. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền

MSc. Huynh Thai Quang
  1. Deputy Manager
Contact Information
No. 10 Huynh Van Nghe, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province 
Office: Building B (campus 1) - Room B 101, B 102, B103, B104, B105
Campus 1: (+84) 2513 952778
Campus 2: (+84) 2513 951925
Campus 3: (+84) 2513 952343
Campus 4: (+84) 2513 8662179
Campus 5: (+84) 2513 8850204
Student Enrollment: (+84) 2513 952188 

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email:
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