Program to summarize and launch the 2022-2023 technology competitions

    The Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics, LHU on August 26 organized a program to summarize technology activities for the academic year 2021-2022 and launch the 2022-2023 technology competitions. The program was attended by DSc. Pham Van Toan - Dean; MSc. Le Hoang Anh – Vice Dean, lecturers, staff and more than 200 students at all levels.

    Opening the program, all the participants looked back at the technology competitions in the 2021-2022 school year through a summary video. In 2021-2022, the Faculty has successfully organized the Electrical Cabinet Design Contest, the PLC Design Contest, the Lac Hong Racing Car, and the Lac Hong Go-Kart. In addition, students participated in many provincial and national competitions.

    Students also participated in larger-scale competitions and achieved high results such as First Prize at EPICS (Engineering Project In Community Service) with the "Electrical wheelchair" project; First prize at the Program to guide students in scientific research (URI); First Prize at Creative Idea Contest with AutoMov project; Second prize at the 4th national startup festival for students with Automov - wheelchair support equipment; two First, one Second and three Consolation at the Dong Nai Provincial Technical Innovation Contest; Two Second, two Third and two Consolation at the program "Promoting initiative and creativity in work and study" of Dong Nai province,...

    At the event, MSc. Le Hoang Anh – Vice Dean presented the topic "Importance of Technology Competitions at University" and discussed with students competition-related contents.

     Mr. Le Hoang Anh exchanged with students contents related to technology competitions

    On the occasion, the Faculty honored and awarded members of teams for their outstanding achievements in technology competitions in the 2021-2022 academic year.

     Students received certificates of merit at the program

    DSc. Pham Van Toan gave a speech to launch the 2022-2023 technology competitions

    At the end of the program, DSc. Pham Van Toan delivered a speech to launch movements and technology competitions in the 2022-2023 academic year, including contests: Electrical Cabinet Design, PLC Cabinet Design, Go - Kart, Racing car, Fuel-efficient car, Robocon,..

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