Visiting Dong Nai

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Bien Hoa's specialities

The Southern land is now attracting more people to come and seek jobs. Bien Hoa city is too. This place not only has the leisure and quiet life speed of a city with 300 years of age but also is a busy and dynamic young industrial one. The city has a mix of cultures and people from other regions, thus bringing it a variety of food. Anyone who was born here as well as newcomers knows specialties here. It can be a mistake if visitors come here without enjoying delicious specialities.  Let’s go around the city to enjoy flavorful kinds of food and beautiful natural landscapes.

Bien Hoa city is famous all over the country for Tan Trieu pomelos. In fact, Bien Hoa pomelos were derived from the Tan Trieu pomelo village famous over hundreds of years ago. Located in Vinh Cuu district, Tan Trieu pomelo village lies along the Dong Nai river. Here, tourists will have the chance to taste many kinds of pomelos. Tan Trieu pomelo is famous in the southern region for its special flavor. The special taste is thanks to rich alluvium constituted by Dong Nai river.
Tan Trieu village is known for a variety of pomelos such as thanh tra, duong la cam, xiem, oi, num and so on. Thanh Long pomelo is ranked the first, then Thanh Tra, Thanh Day and Oi pomelos. There are many different scents and tastes of the Tan Trieu pomelos. The Thanh Long has small seeds, juicy and light sweet taste and ivory-colored skin. The Thanh Tra and Thanh Day are  as sweet as candy. Especially, the Oi has a soft scent. Ordinarily, to taste the flavor of Oi pomelo, people enjoy it when it is withered since it will be more delicious and tasty. The Oi becomes a special gift in parties, death anniversaries, Tet, holidays…. In spite of different states, they are considered valuable kinds. People of Bien Hoa often compare the taste of pomelos as “tu tuyet” i.e. numerous, delicious, valuable and well-known.
Bien Hoa’s people also create many special dishes from pomelos like goi buoi, pomelo juice, and pomelo wine, pomelo sweet soup, pomelo roll… In particular, goi buoi is famously delicious because all ingredients are home-grown, simple and easy to find. People use Thanh pomelos (little water, crisp, sour and slightly sweet) to make goi buoi (pomelos mixed with shrimp caught from Dong Nai river, rau thom (kinds of vegetables that have smell), ground peanuts, pork meat, carrot, pepper, sugar, fish sauce, garlic, chili,…). People can enjoy goi buoi with young pomelo leaves, baked girdle cakes, bringing their appetite due to light sour, sweet, spicy, and buttery tastes of all ingredients.

To taste the flavor of famous specialties, you can visit Tan Trieu pomelo village at Vinh Cuu district, 5 kilometers from Lac Hong University.

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
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