

    The Industry 4.0 Factor Affecting The ervice Quality Of Commercial Banks In Dong Nai Province


    Vietnam has favorable conditions for access to join the 4.0 industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Vietnam has a young population structure, most of them live in rural areas but the level of education and access to new technology services by Vietnamese people is quite high compared to other countries in the world. The percentage of people using mobile phones is also high, with more than one mobile subscriber per capita. In that context, the banking service quality sector in general as well as the payment sector in particular has witnessed the strong impact from Industry 4.0, together with the introduction of a number of new technology applications. In the field of finance - banking (Fintech); Commercial banks have brought many opportunities and challenges for the banking industry, including payment operations in Vietnam. The study results showed that there were 200 staffs related to commercial banks who interviewed and answered about 9 questions. Data collected from July 2016 to July 2017 for the staffs of commercial banks in Dong Nai province. The paper had been analyzed KMO test, Cronbach's Alpha and the result of KMO analysis which used for multiple regression analysis. Bank staffs’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 50.000 the staffs of commercial banks in Vietnam. In addition, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results showed that there were two factors, which included of factors following: Industry 4.0 human resources (X1) and Industry 4.0 network security (X2) with significance level 5 percent. In addition, all of two components affecting the service quality of commercial banks with significance level 5 percent. The research results processed from SPSS 20.0 software.

    Keywords: Industry 4.0, Service Quality, Commercial Bank, LHU.

    Dr. Phan Thanh Tam and M.A Bui Van Thuy (2017)

    <European Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Research, Vol.5, No.9, Pp.81-91>

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