

    Factors Influencing the Choice of Accouting Software for SMES in Dong Nai Province


    This study identifies the impact of factors on the choice of accouting software of small and medium enterprises in Dong Nai province. Exploratory factor analysis method and multivariate regression analysis was use on 195 observations. The research results show that there are 6 factors having a positive influence on the choice of accouting software of small and medium enterprises in Dong Nai province. These factors include the expected effect, ease of use, social influence, support conditions, cost, software usage habits.

    Keywords: Accouting software, small and medium enterprises, the choice, Dong Nai

    Nguyen Van Hai, Nguyen Phuong Nam (2020)

    Accounting & Auditing Review. ISSN: 1859-1914, May 2020, pp 83-86.

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